Summit of the Americas! Yup! That’s right there is more than one ‘America’, at least continentally, and right now the leaders of all those countries that make up North and South America are winding down their annual three day bender and barbecue. Bender and BBQ with hookers, apparently if you’re in the American Secret Service.
Yup, Stephen Harper admitted earlier today that the war on drugs isn’t working, but not because he wants to change policy, more likely because he wants some of that valuable foreign trade that is waiting to be scooped up and he needs to show those countries he isn’t afraid of their ideas.
Time are a changing, it used to be that the North American component of the summit would sit around and give everyone the chance to do business with them. But now in the E-world the economies of the north have lost some of their scale and no longer have as much to hold over the heads of their neighbours to the south. This means less, shady back room CIA deals that would drive Latin America into strife with sometimes monthly regime changes. Now, new self sufficient and stabilized governments get to start ganging up and set the standard for decorum.
So while Stephen Harper and Barack Obama went down to Columbia hoping to get some money flowing through the economies the delegates had other priorities, like highlighting how costly and violent attempting to traditionally combat the war on drugs. This was their show all weekend explaining their views while Canada and the U.S. wait for them to open up their wallets. Plus they want Cuba to be able to play too, who has been shut out of the Summits since 1962.
So even though this marks no real change in anything except a remarkable exercise in lip service, it was funny to read that it was said. It reminded me of that time when Harper told a room full of people that he likes to get high with a little help from his friends…
See the whole story on… hurry… before those budget cuts hit the website….